Please read the following notes carefully before filling in the inquiry form.
While we will attend to your request as soon as possible during business hours (Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. JST), it may take five business days or more to reply depending on the nature of your inquiry, or we may not be able to reply.
If you have a hotel reservation and are arriving within seven days, please directly call the hotel for assistance.
You can also find the answers to commonly asked questions on the Frequently Asked Questions page.
We do not handle any room and restaurant reservations, changes or cancellations via this form.
To make a reservation for Disney Hotels, or to change or cancel a reservation, please use the Tokyo Disney Resort Online Reservations & Tickets.
For reservations that are currently being accepted, please see here.
For inquiries regarding the online booking procedures of Tokyo Disney Resort Online Reservations & Tickets
For inquiries regarding Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea Parks
An email will be sent to the address you have entered. Please adjust your spam filters to accept emails from the domain "@mrh.olc.co.jp".
Thank you for your understanding.